SBELA Nutrition & Education

SBELA participates in the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Child and Adult Care Food Program. Children are encouraged to eat the healthiest foods first. We help children learn that healthy foods are necessary for growing bodies, and help establish healthy eating habits. Parents play a vital role in a child’s nutrition. Please try to stay away from junk foods with no nutritional values like candy or other high sugar content foods. SBELA teachers are happy to give healthy meal and snack ideas.

Food Allergies

Children that are allergic to specific foods will be provided with safe and nutritionally appropriate alternatives. The meal content will be specified by the child’s parent/guardian after consultation with the child’s health care provider, and will be identified in an Individual Health Care Plan. Health Alert Notices will be posted in the kitchen and the child’s classroom.

Please avoid packing foods that contain nuts or nut products as we have enrolled several children with life threatening allergies to nuts. If you must send your child to school with foods containing nuts, please identify your child’s meal as 'containing nuts.'Parents can opt out of the SBELA food program. However, SBELA staff are required by child care licensing regulations to monitor the nutritional content of meals brought from home.



Menus are prepared by our Food Service Supervisor in coordination with a nutrition consultant from the Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) program. Menus will be available to parents at least one week in advance of the beginning of a new month.