Cosmetology Information Sessions

Information Sessions

Cosmetology Information Sessions:

If you wonder if our Cosmetology program is right for you and/or have questions, this session is for you!  We cover the details of what the program includes and what the expectations are. Some people realize this does not fit their needs.  So before we add you to our waitlist, we want to make sure we are the right fit for your future goals. Therefore, we do require you to attend a session BEFORE we add you to our waitlist.

These sessions are offered quarterly via Zoom.  

Sessions are at 3:30- 4:15pm

Session days are:

The FIRST Monday in March and June

The LAST Monday in August and November

To receive the Zoom link to attend the session, please email your name and contact information to Karen Horan: @email


To request an accommodation, visit our Accessibility & Accommodations webpage. Please provide advance notice to ensure we are able to grant your request.